Basic Usage

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from hiveplotlib import Axis, HivePlot, Node, hive_plot_n_axes
from hiveplotlib.viz import axes_viz, edge_viz, hive_plot_viz, node_viz

hiveplotlib allows users to take network data, choose a set of axes and sorting procedures, and visualize the resulting connectivity in a way that is both intuitive and reproducible.

In this notebook, we build up the concepts of Hive Plots starting from the low-level API using the hiveplotlib.Node, hiveplotlib.Axis, and hiveplotlib.HivePlot classes up to the high-level API call with hiveplotlib.hive_plot_n_axes().

If you trying to quickly generate hive plots, we recommend skipping to the Quick Start Hive Plots notebook.

This package is intended to be used solely for visualization, not featurization. Consequently, the package is structured only to take records of already-featurized data and arrays of edges and offer a framework for rapidly generating Hive Plots.

If you want to generate graph features beforehand in Python, networkx is a good tool for this. We have several examples going from networkx objects to Hive Plots in the Networkx Examples notebook. We also include an example with Zachary’s Karate Club. Both of these notebooks demonstrate how to convert from the networkx data structure to our necessary data structures using the hiveplotlib.converters.networkx_to_nodes_edges() method.

Data Inputs

In order to use this package, we need to wrangle two sources of data, nodes and edges.


Setting up a node in our framework simply requires a dictionary of data and a unique_id to go along with it. This will play particularly nicely with any json output from a database query (for example, queries from a Mongo database through pymongo). pandas dataframes can also easily be converted into this format with df.to_dict(orient="records").


Edges are simply stored as an (n, 2) numpy.ndarray, where the edges (if directed) move from the first column to the second column.

Example Data

We will now generate a synthetic example that will persist for the rest of the demo.

# generate synthetic node data from a pandas dataframe
num_nodes = 50
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
data = pd.DataFrame(
        rng.uniform(low=0, high=10, size=num_nodes),
        rng.uniform(low=10, high=20, size=num_nodes),
        rng.uniform(low=20, high=30, size=num_nodes),
    columns=["low", "med", "high"],
low med high
0 6.369617 17.870983 24.799879
1 2.697867 12.393694 22.323729
2 0.409735 18.764842 28.018806
3 0.165276 10.585680 29.235302
4 8.132702 13.361171 22.661303
# convert into dictionaries for later use
node_data = data.to_dict(orient="records")

# use the dataframe's index as unique id
node_ids = data.index.to_numpy()

print(f"Data for Node {node_ids[0]}:\n{node_data[0]}")
Data for Node 0:
{'low': 6.369616873214543, 'med': 17.870983074886833, 'high': 24.799879238078322}
# generate random edges
num_edges = 200

edges = rng.choice(node_ids, size=num_edges * 2).reshape(-1, 2)
edges[:5, :]
array([[ 5,  0],
       [ 5, 18],
       [ 5,  3],
       [12, 32],
       [26, 13]])

With our node and edge data set, we can now start building Node, Axis, and finally HivePlot instances.

Node Instances

Node instances are simply dictionaries with unique identifiers.

Let’s quick convert our node data into Node instances.

nodes = [
    Node(unique_id=node_id, data=node_data[i]) for i, node_id in enumerate(node_ids)

Axis Instances

Next, let’s generate some axes on which we will later place nodes.

Axis instances need 4 things to instantiate:

  • a unique ID, which we will use to reference the axis later on.

  • a starting position, representing distance from the origin.

  • a stopping position, also representing distance from the origin.

  • an angle, representing the angle off of the positive x axis moving counterclockwise.

We also include long_names here for visualization purposes later.

In our current example, let’s start with equally-spaced axes of the same size, all with some distance off the origin (this will make visualizing the edges easier later).

axis_low = Axis(axis_id="l", start=1, end=5, angle=0, long_name="Low")
axis_med = Axis(axis_id="m", start=1, end=5, angle=120, long_name="Medium")
axis_high = Axis(axis_id="h", start=1, end=5, angle=240, long_name="High")

axes = [axis_low, axis_med, axis_high]

The HivePlot Instance

We’re now ready to put these pieces together into a HivePlot instance.

hp = HivePlot()

At this point, we have the means to create a visualization, albeit one that is rather limited.

fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
ax.set_title("Axes", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

Note that we could try to plot nodes as well as edges, but nothing will appear because we have not yet drawn any edges nor placed any nodes on any axes.

fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)
ax.set_title("Axes Only (No Nodes or Edges Yet)", y=1.2, fontsize=20)
/tmp/ipykernel_349313/ UserWarning: At least one of your axes has no nodes placed on it yet. Nodes can be placed on axes by running `HivePlot.place_nodes_on_axis()`
  node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)
/tmp/ipykernel_349313/ UserWarning: Your `HivePlot` instance does not have any specified edges yet. Edges can be created for plotting by running `HivePlot.connect_axes()`
  edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)

Assigning and Placing Nodes on Axes

Next, let’s assign and place nodes to axes. This requires us to:

  1. Partition the node IDs among the axes.

  2. Choose a sorting procedure for each axis.

This is all nicely handled by the place_nodes_on_axis() method.

# split the nodes roughly into thirds
#  taking advantage of the naming being integers from 0 to `num_nodes`
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],

Now that the nodes have been placed in Cartesian space, we will now get nodes in our visualization (and only a warning about a lack of edges to draw).

fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
# bigger, brighter nodes to emphasize their visual arrival
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="C1", s=50, alpha=0.8)
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)
ax.set_title("Nodes Appear (But No Edges Yet)", y=1.2, fontsize=20)
/tmp/ipykernel_349313/ UserWarning: Your `HivePlot` instance does not have any specified edges yet. Edges can be created for plotting by running `HivePlot.connect_axes()`
  edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax)

Finally, we need to declare which edges to draw, as well as set any plotting kwargs for each set of edges we draw.

# variation in edges to display flexibility of code

# construct edges in both directions
hp.connect_axes(edges=edges, axis_id_1="l", axis_id_2="m", color="C1")

# both directions, different style
hp.connect_axes(edges=edges, axis_id_1="l", axis_id_2="h", color="C2", ls="dotted")

# different styles in each direction
hp.connect_axes(edges=edges, axis_id_1="h", axis_id_2="m", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0")
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="h", axis_id_2="m", a1_to_a2=False, color="C0", ls="--"

With this completed, we can now build a full visualization.

fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8)
# put the edges behind nodes by changing the zorder
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, zorder=-1)
ax.set_title("Edges Appear", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

Changing Our Axis Sorting

If we want to change our sorting procedure for an axis, this will nullify any edges going to or from that axis.

# no need to re-specify which nodes go to this axis, just change the sorting procedure
hp.place_nodes_on_axis(axis_id="l", sorting_feature_to_use="med")
fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8)
# put the edges behind nodes by changing the zorder
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, zorder=-1)
ax.set_title("No Connections to or from the 'Low' Axis", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

Lost edges can be added back easily using the construct_curves() method, which adds in all previously-defined curves. Note, this is still a single call, even if we reset multiple axes.

fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8)
# put the edges behind nodes by changing the zorder
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, zorder=-1)
    "Revived Connections to and from the 'Low' Axis\nBased on New Sorting Procedure",

Note that one could also change the node assignments as well.

vmin and vmax on the Axes

You might be wondering how the axes are fully spanned by edges even after we changed the sorting procedure for an axis. This is due to the default placement of nodes on an axis is to have the min and max values on the axis line up exactly with the respective min and max values of the sorting feature. Just as this can be changed with color maps in matplotlib, we can specify a vmin and vmax level. This is particularly relevant when:

  • There is a strong outlier value for one node or a few nodes

  • If we use comparable sorting procedures on multiple axes, we may be interested in relative placement on several axes, not just the ordering within one axis.

This is a quick fix through our place_nodes_on_axis() call.

# re-place all of the nodes, bringing low back to low
#  and set vmin and vmax values
hp.place_nodes_on_axis(axis_id="l", sorting_feature_to_use="low", vmin=0, vmax=30)
hp.place_nodes_on_axis(axis_id="m", vmin=0, vmax=30)
hp.place_nodes_on_axis(axis_id="h", vmin=0, vmax=30)

# rebuild all the curves
fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8)
# put the edges behind nodes by changing the zorder
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, zorder=-1)
    "Low / Med / High Values Now\nDistinguishable Between Axes", y=1.2, fontsize=20

Repeat Axes for Within-Group Behavior

There’s one big lie with the current visualization, and that’s the assumption that there are only edges between these groups and no edges within each group.

To fix this, we will need a repeat axis for each group, for a total of 6 axes. We’ll start from scratch so we can better position the 6 axes relative to each other.

# six axes this time
axis_low = Axis(axis_id="l", start=1, end=5, angle=-50, long_name="Low")
axis_low_repeat = Axis(axis_id="l_repeat", start=1, end=5, angle=-10, long_name="Low")

axis_med = Axis(axis_id="m", start=1, end=5, angle=70, long_name="Medium")
axis_med_repeat = Axis(
    axis_id="m_repeat", start=1, end=5, angle=110, long_name="Medium"

axis_high = Axis(axis_id="h", start=1, end=5, angle=190, long_name="High")
axis_high_repeat = Axis(axis_id="h_repeat", start=1, end=5, angle=230, long_name="High")

axes = [

hp = HivePlot()

# place the *same* nodes on repeat axes (not specifying vmin and vmax here)
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],

    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],

    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    unique_ids=np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],

# same edges as before, but we need to be careful to not overlap other axes
hp.connect_axes(edges=edges, axis_id_1="l_repeat", axis_id_2="m", color="C1")

# both directions, different style
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="l", axis_id_2="h_repeat", color="C2", ls="dotted"

# different styles in each direction
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="h", axis_id_2="m_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0"

# plus the repeat edges
#  (no need to do bidirectional here, just leads to the edges but flipped)
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="l", axis_id_2="l_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C4"
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="m", axis_id_2="m_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C5"
    edges=edges, axis_id_1="h", axis_id_2="h_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C6"
fig, ax = axes_viz(hp, figsize=(6, 6))
node_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, color="black", s=20, alpha=0.8)
# put the edges behind nodes by changing the zorder
edge_viz(hp, fig=fig, ax=ax, zorder=-1)
ax.set_title("Repeat Axes Included\nfor Within-Group Connections", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

Exploration with Less Overhead

Trying to explore quickly before you beautify your matplotlib figure? We also have a means to generate a HivePlot instance and plot in only two function calls, albeit with less flexibility.

hiveplotlib.hive_plot_n_axes() allows the generation of a HivePlot instance with as little as a list of Node instances, an array of edges, a list of lists of node IDs, and a list of sorting variables for each axis.

hiveplotlib.viz.hive_plot_viz() will plot a HivePlot instance’s axes, nodes, edges all at once. The default functionality sets edge kwargs to plot counterclockwise edges in solid black and clockwise edges in dashed black.

Let’s consider the example we’ve been following throughout.

hp = hive_plot_n_axes(
        np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    sorting_variables=["low", "med", "high"],
    axes_names=["Low", "Medium", "High"],

fig, ax = hive_plot_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
ax.set_title("Less Colorful But a Lot Less Typing", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

We can modify the edge kwargs with the HivePlot.add_edge_kwargs() method.

hp = hive_plot_n_axes(
        np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    sorting_variables=["low", "med", "high"],
    axes_names=["Low", "Medium", "High"],

# use the same kwargs as before
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="Medium", color="C1", ls="-")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="High", color="C2", ls="dotted")
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0", ls="-"
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium", a1_to_a2=False, color="C0", ls="--"

fig, ax = hive_plot_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
ax.set_title("Add the Colored Edges Back", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

We can control the vmin and vmax values on the axes through our hive_plot_n_axes() call.

hp = hive_plot_n_axes(
        np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    sorting_variables=["low", "med", "high"],
    vmins=[0, 0, 0],
    vmaxes=[30, 30, 30],
    axes_names=["Low", "Medium", "High"],

# use the same kwargs as before
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="Medium", color="C1", ls="-")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="High", color="C2", ls="dotted")
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0", ls="-"
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium", a1_to_a2=False, color="C0", ls="--"

fig, ax = hive_plot_viz(hp, figsize=(4, 4))
ax.set_title("Change the vmin and vmax Values", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

We can also add repeat axes for any specified axis through a boolean value in hive_plot_n_axes().

hp = hive_plot_n_axes(
        np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    sorting_variables=["low", "med", "high"],
    repeat_axes=[True, True, True],
    axes_names=["Low", "Medium", "High"],

# axes constructed by default in counterclockwise order
#  repeat axis with name + "_repeat" always follows 'after' the original axis
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low_repeat", axis_id_2="Medium", color="C1", ls="-")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="High_repeat", color="C2", ls="dotted")
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0", ls="-"
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium_repeat", a1_to_a2=False, color="C0", ls="--"

fig, ax = hive_plot_viz(hp, figsize=(6, 6))
ax.set_title("Add the Repeated Axes Back", y=1.2, fontsize=20)

Finally, we can modify the repeat axes’ edge kwargs, each of which is automatically named the same name as the original axis with _repeat appended on to the name. We can also rotate the figure using the orient_angle parameter.

hp = hive_plot_n_axes(
        np.arange(num_nodes)[: num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[num_nodes // 3 : 2 * num_nodes // 3],
        np.arange(num_nodes)[2 * num_nodes // 3 :],
    sorting_variables=["low", "med", "high"],
    repeat_axes=[True, True, True],
    axes_names=["Low", "Medium", "High"],

# axes constructed by default in counterclockwise order
#  repeat axis with name + "_repeat" always follows 'after' the original axis
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low_repeat", axis_id_2="Medium", color="C1", ls="-")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="High_repeat", color="C2", ls="dotted")
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium_repeat", a2_to_a1=False, color="C0", ls="-"
    axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="Medium_repeat", a1_to_a2=False, color="C0", ls="--"

# color the repeat edges
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Low", axis_id_2="Low_repeat", color="C4")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="Medium", axis_id_2="Medium_repeat", color="C5")
hp.add_edge_kwargs(axis_id_1="High", axis_id_2="High_repeat", color="C6")

fig, ax = hive_plot_viz(hp, figsize=(6, 6))
ax.set_title("Match Our Original Figure", y=1.2, fontsize=20)